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The Situation
Today's agricultural practices are not sustainable for future generations. Here's why:

Greenhouse gasses emitted from cattle and rice farms along with deforestation pollute the air more than all cars, trains, and airplanes' emissions combined.

Globally, 70% of the water used by humans is dedicated to agriculture. It also needs huge plots of land: an area the size of South America for crops and an area the size of Africa for livestock.

The Global Demand for More Food
By 2050, the human population will have grown by about 35%, increasing it to over 9.5 billion people. A majority of this projected population growth will occur in sub-Saharan Africa, where 25% of people are currently malnourished. As nations continue to develop, there will be a larger demand for meat, eggs, and dairy. The demands for these foods will remain high in North America, Brazil, Russia, and the European Union. These richer diets and the ever-escalating population requires humanity to double the production of crops by 2050, to a total of 19 billion tons.

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